Oh hello there family. Long time no see . . slash talk. So here i am inKorea! ha. It's wild here. Not gonna lie. But seriously its way cool. We got here on tuesday night or wed morning your time and wed night at like ten here in Korea. We didn't do anything that day but go right to bed. so the next day we met a bunch of the Elders who would be training us and stuff and went out and did Jundo with them. Like street contacting and stuff. It was so much fun. I got to just like testify and stuff about the Book of Mormon and about the plan of Salvation and it was really cool. So we did that and then ate lunch at some restaurant and had a bunch of random foods. It was really pretty good actually. We also had training and orientation videos to watch from like the fifties. It's time for the Church to update those badboys. It was a safety video on biking and about a guy that crashed and how we need to be safe if we are put in a biking area. Yeah, well the reason why that guy crashed is probably because it was one of the first bikes ever made .haha. jk He actually got hit by a car. Not his fault. The next day we did the same exact thing. We just went out and jundod and then they assigned us to our new companions. Oh yeah, they also fed us a lot of AMAZING food at the mission home while we were there. MMMM it was boss. Sister Jennings is a good cook. She fed us breakfast and dinner both nights. Well actually one of the nights a Korean sister fed us and it was sooo good. we had Costco pizza the first day and then the next night we had sweet and sour pork, bulgoki, kimchi and chicken wings and all sorts of goodness. ha. It was awesome!
So my new compnaion is Elder Choi. He is a boss. He is from seoul and is a Native but he speaks fluent English too. He is way smart and he is an AMAZING missionary. He is so good at everything and you can just tell he knows whats going on. so its a really big help. And it should help me learn the language faster I'm hoping.
The area I'm in is called Goo-Mi. It's really great. The members of the ward are so awesome. There are sixty to seventy members and they have tons of little kids in the ward. This last Sunday (yesterday)we had a baptism. He is an older man and he is so nice. He was working with the sister missionaries before we got there and we just met with him once. My companion did the baptismal interview because he is the district leader. The ward was really nice to him. a lot of peopl came to his baptism and he was showered with gifts afterwards. It was great. Then the sisters had made two cakes and everyone was going crazy cause I guess they dont eat cake that much here. It was wild. also just yesterday we met with a girl that the sisters had been meeting with named Ha-na-i-yay. She's a really sweet girl who has been wanting to be baptized for quite some time but her dad didn;t want her to. so we met with them last night and played Uno and some Korean games. We shared some scriptures about baptism and talked about it with them and now her dad is oging to let her. I guess he is a less active member but is going to work towards January 1st and baptize her.
At the church on Saturday we helped the ward make a movie. They're trying to do Scrooge and that movie was hilarious. haha. I seriously had to hold myself from laughing. I loved it. They're great. Oh and also the little kids there kept trying to dong-chim me. Ask Alex what that means. haha. It was Awwwwwky.
So yeah things are going fine here and i really am loving it. Korea is boss. the people are so nice and loving and they love me cuae I'm tall and they all say, Handsum, Handsum. ahha it's funny. OK well I love you all so much and I'll be talkin to you soon. MERRY CHIRSTMAS!
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